Hindustan Times Simplicity Tuesday, 13 February 2007
child, believe Lushin Dubey & Bubbles Sabharwal, has a unique ability,
and it’s this strength that they bring to the stage
Their world is replete with fun, improvisation, experimentation and information. At the Kids World, it’s the children’s strengths that are brought on stage. “ We believe every child has a unique ability, in fact, everything is a strength in a child’s case, and we bring these to the stage,” smiles actor and theatre director, Lushin Dubey, who along with Bubbles Sabharwal has been involved in children’s theatre for more than 18years now. In town with their contemporary, educative, historical, musical, The Ascent of Man (Part I), presented by the Durga Das Foundation, the production will see actors from age seven to twenty-five, recreate history, in a fun manner. The musical touches upon the key elements of man’s historical development from his inception till the 1600’s.
Aliens, tricks, capsule of world history in dance, songs, it’s a workshop
production that the two ladies have turned into a full-fledged drama.
“It’s the age of experimentation and communication and theatre, in
itself, can be a tool of education. We help the children get rid of their
layers and discover a brand-new world,” explains Bubbles, who says patience
and instinct are two essentials while working with children.
Knowledge, combined with entertainment, say the two is a pill that’s
not palatable, but gives you a high and touches the senses and while working
with children their focus is not making them perform or act, but feeling
and doing their own thing on stage, “It’s about feeling, honesty and
conviction and doing what comes naturally to you, “ says Lushin, adding
that they are keen to work on educative capsules, take subjects and turn
them into theatrical presentations.
The two have also formed a theatre group for adults, Theatreworld and one of their critically acclaimed productions is the Kids World. “We hope to do something on Bhagwat Gita,” smiles Bubbles, who has written a play Woman in Black and is now fusing live art, music and theatre to produce something unique for Woman’s Day. Lushin is these days busy with her Canadian films and has won the Gemini Award for her role in Murder Unveiled and is looking forward to the release of Partition. “You have to reinvent, rediscover and explore to grow, and that’s what we are constantly striving to do,” sum up the beautiful ladies. Here’s to more!